Proceeding of the First PANCHGAVYA DAY Celebration and a National Seminar on
held on 13th October, 2023 at Ramjas College, University of Delhi
Animal Welfare Board of India through its sub-committee on Awards and Events had decided in its meeting held
on 29-08-2023 to celebrate Panchgavya day on October 13 each year for a wider publicity and awareness of Panchgavya
(Cowpathy) products and their role in maintaining the pollution free environment and better human health in order to
achieve the target of one health. In ayurvedic system, the medicines are prepared either from plants or from animals
besides the use of certain metals. The ayurvedic medicines of animal origin are mainly prepared from indigenous cow
products such as urine, dung, milk, curd and ghee. Medical use of cow urine has been in practice since time immemorial
in India. The Panchgavya (Cowpathy) principle of Ayurveda consists of cow urine besides other products like milk, ghee,
butter milk (matha), dung as its main ingredients. The preliminary studies on immunomodulation with cow urine
generated interest among the scientist. The cow urine distillate was found to increase immunity in experimental animals.
It also increases the phagocytic activity of macrophages and secretion of interleukin 1 and 2, recently, the cow urine
has also been found to have its synergistic properties with antibiotics and as bio enhancer. It provided the base for
further research and detailed studies on immunomodulatory properties of indigenous cow urine and its comparison
with the urine of cross bred and exotic cows, buffaloes and goat using modern biotechnological tools. As per an estimate
by WHO, the 20th century antibiotics will no more be wonder drugs. It is an established fact that most of antibiotic drugs
have lost their capacity by way of increased resistance in bacteria. In such situations, Panchgavya technology will play
a major role in prevention and control of emerging and existing infections in man and animals.
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